My Brothers, the MLT Team is giving you one last opportunity before nominations to get any or all of the 15 Modules of this required program. 

It is up to you now to participate. I know it is short notice but it is notice just the same. We look forward to seeing you. Please forward. 

Wednesday October 19th 2021 6:00 p.m. EST

(1) Lodge Officers Duties, (2) Worshipful Master Duties (3) Planning your Year

(4) Becoming Worshipful Master (5) Running Your Lodge

Register in advance for this meeting:

Friday October 21, 2021 6:00 p.m. EST

(6) Committees (7) Petitions and Investigating Committee, (8) Communications,

(9) Budgeting and Finance (10) Membership

Register in advance for this meeting:

Sunday October 23, 2021 3:00 EST

(11) Lodge Renewal (12) Ritual (13) Service (14) Event Organization (15) Additional Class

Register in advance for this meeting:

Your Grand Lodge Membership Number is Required to participate if you do not have it contact your lodge secretary.

Special Note: You can only receive credit for up to 5 classes of MLT per workshop

For More Information contact:

R:. W:. Bill Catsulis State Chairman

R:. W:. Jay Cebollero Vice State Chairman